Canadian Immigrant presents our fifth annual “Immigrant Women of Inspiration” special, with a focus on a group of talented, passionate women with strong voices who all share a common inspiration — to help other immigrant women break out of silence and find their own voice.
Marcie Ponte vividly remembers her journey to Canada as a young girl with her mom to join her dad who was working on the railways in Vancouver. Coming from the exotic Azorean-Portuguese island of Santa Maria, they expected it to be cold in Canada, so her mother permed Ponte’s straight hair, thinking it would help keep her warm.
It’s a poignant memory for Marcie Ponte, who has since devoted her professional life to helping immigrant women like her mother adjust to Canada. Today, as executive director of Working Women Community Centre (WWCC) in Toronto, Ponte is ...
Read the full article here: Six empowering women named in our fifth annual Immigrant Women of Inspiration special | Canadian Immigrant
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